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Ep. 9 Norman Horn on Morality and Politics, Christianity and the Troops, and How a Christian Libertarian Handles Romans 13

Norman Horn is the founder and president of the Libertarian Christian Institute. He and Bob have a provocative conversation that will enlighten both believers and skeptics alike. They critically analyze the tendency of American Christians to support war, in its domestic and foreign applications. Norman gives Bob the best, succinct analysis of Romans 13 he…

Ep. 8 David R. Henderson on Working in the Reagan Administration, Krugman’s Inflation Memo, and Publicly Challenging the Secretary of Defense

Economist David R. Henderson underwent a personal odyssey in his discovery of free-market economics. David tells Bob the story of his recruitment by Harold Demsetz, and how David ended up at UCLA during its glory days. The conversation turns to David’s time on the Council of Economic Advisors to Ronald Reagan, as well as David’s…

Ep. 7 Gödel Made Easy: Explaining One of the Most Important Mathematical Demonstrations of All Time

Mathematician Kurt Gödel in 1931 published his two famous “incompleteness theorems,” which showed the principled limits on the knowledge we could generate from formal axiomatic systems. Loosely speaking, Gödel showed that there exist true statements about numbers that we will never be able to prove are true. His results have been cited not just in mathematics…

Ep. 6 Steve Landsburg on Learning Economics From Friedman and Stigler

Steve Landsburg went to Chicago to do his graduate work in mathematics but was intrigued by the economics taught by Milton Friedman, George Stigler, Gary Becker, and other luminaries.  We discuss the essence of Chicago price theory, the time when Steve was picketed by campus feminists, how Steve can climb aerial silks like Batman (while…

Ep. 5 Scott Horton on the Siege of Waco, the Perverse Logic of U.S. Foreign Policy, and How Trump Staved Off a Coup

Antiwar hero and all-around genius Scott Horton joins Bob for a lengthy discussion covering the siege and massacre at Waco, the motivations and perverse logic of the U.S. government’s interventions in the Middle East, and how Donald Trump staved off the establishment at the Republican convention and after the general election.     Mentioned in the Episode:…