Ep. 18 Warren Mosler Defends the Essential Insights of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
Bob brings on MMT superstar Warren Mosler to explain–not to debate!–his understanding of Modern Monetary Theory. After summarizing Mosler’s interesting background, the two discuss the assumptions behind MMT and its implications for economic policy. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Warren Mosler’s website. Warren’s definitive book, The Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic…
Ep. 17 Alex Tabarrok on Tolerant Rothbardians, the Market for Kidneys, and Potential Security Flaws in Bitcoin
Alex Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University and co-author (with Tyler Cowen) of the very popular blog, Marginal Revolution. Bob and Alex cover a wide range of topics, including his early experience with Rothbardians, the brief window when economics blogs were the center of discussion, problems with the FDA, how a…
Ep. 16 Joe Salerno on Economic Calculation, Fractional Reserve Banking, and Stories of Rothbard as White Knight
Joe Salerno is Academic Vice President of the Mises Institute and one of the world’s leading economists in the Rothbardian tradition. He discusses his intellectual roots as well as his scholarly work on money and banking. But Bob also asks Joe to recount some of his funny adventures with Murray Rothbard. Mentioned in the Episode…
Ep. 15 David Gornoski on Biblical Mercy, Scapegoats, and the State as Vehicle of Human Sacrifice
David Gornoski is the creator of “A Neighbor’s Choice,” a media platform that tells the stories of victims of State violence and which provides healthy alternatives to a violence-based society. David hosts the Orlando-based “A Neighbor’s Choice” radio program on WFLA 93.1 FM and 540 AM. Much of his work is an application of René Girard’s…
Ep. 14 Murphy on Parables, Lizard People, and Good vs. Evil
Bob goes solo, giving the context for his children’s book, The Three Lads and the Lizard King. He covers a wide range of related issues, including Jim Carrey’s Illuminati “warning” (?), nonviolence, and the sovereignty of God. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Full information on the book, The Three Lads and the Lizard…