Ep. 33 Why Plea Deals Are a Gross Miscarriage of Justice
Bob goes solo to explain why the common practice of “offering a plea deal” is a horrible practice, which gives us little reason to trust that those convicted are actually guilty of the crimes to which they confess. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Join Bob and Tom Woods on the Contra…
Ep. 32 Lew Rockwell on the College Cheating Faux Scandal, the Sinister FBI, and How the CIA Kills People
Bob brings on Mises Institute founder Lew Rockwell to primarily discuss Lew’s article in defense of Lori Loughlin. Why is the FBI involved in a college admission scandal in the first place? And why is Lori Loughlin’s behavior so much worse than all the other cheating that happens systematically? Bob and Lew then discuss the…
Ep. 31 Capital & Interest in the Austrian Tradition, Part 3 of 3
Bob finishes his 3-part series by first reviewing the contributions of Bohm-Bawerk, Fetter, and Mises to the modern Austrian explanation of interest, namely the “pure time preference theory” (PTPT). Then Bob explains some of the problems for the PTPT, especially for Austrian economists. Instead Murphy offers a much more straightforward–and Austrian!–approach, which explains interest as…
Ep. 30 Robbie “the Fire” Bernstein Discusses Stand-Up Comedy, Dealing With AOC, and the Coming Economic Crash
Bob brings on Robbie “the Fire” Bernstein, host of Run Your Mouth and junior host to Dave Smith on the popular libertarian podcast Part of the Problem. Bob and Robbie discuss the NYC stand-up comedy scene, and give a tutorial on jokes using some examples. Bob asks Robbie whether the mocking campaign against AOC might…
Ep. 29 No, Ilhan Omar Wasn’t Taken Out of Context
Bob critiques an article by Conor Friedersdorf, in which he mocks the right-wing outrage over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 remarks as a tempest in a teapot. Why, if someone on the right made a similar slip of the tongue, Friedersdorf would expect the right-winger to be forgiven. This is of course ludicrous nonsense, as Bob…