Ep. 38 Bob Nails Krugman’s Perverse Morality on Infrastructure Spending
Bob replays a recent Contra Krugman episode where he went solo, covering a Paul Krugman column on infrastructure spending. In addition to getting the economics wrong (as usual), Krugman also make a shocking admission about his willingness to harm the country so long as it denied Trump a political victory. Mentioned in the Episode and…
Ep. 37 Dr. Keith Smith Tells Doctors and Patients How to Secede From the Broken Health Care and Insurance System
Keith Smith is an anesthesiologist who founded the Oklahoma Surgery Center, and the Free Market Medical Association. He is a medical doctor but also a student of economics. Bob and Keith discuss the recent FMMA conference in Dallas, and explain how patients and doctors right now can break out of our broken health care /…
Ep. 36 Even An-Caps Sometimes Give the State Too Much Credit
Bob goes solo to point out a common fallacy among even self-described anarcho-capitalists, when they blame a social problem on “too little government.” For example, in standard arguments over drug prohibition, sometimes libertarians will argue, “A drug dealer can’t call the cops if he gets robbed, so this leads to more violence in the industry.”…
Ep. 35 Scott Horton Chastises Bob on His Ilhan Omar Episode, Talks About Who’s to Blame In Venezuela, and Explains the Carnage in the Middle East
Scott Horton returns to the podcast to share his wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics. Bob first gives Scott the opportunity to express his unhappiness with the recent episode (#29) on Ilhan Omar. Then they discuss the economic crisis in Venezuela, the carnage in the Middle East, the Mueller Report, and finally answer…
Ep. 34 Harvard Astronomy Chair Avi Loeb Explains the Physics of Black Holes, and Why Aliens Might Have Sent the Strange Space Object ‘Oumuamua
Bob brings on special guest Avi Loeb, who is the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science and Chair of the Astronomy Department at Harvard. Among other positions, Prof. Loeb is founding Director of the Black Hole Initiative, and is thus ideally suited to explain the recent images of a massive black hole circulating on…