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Ep. 43 Michel Accad, MD, Leads Bob on a Discussion of “Efficiency” and “Market Failure” as Used in Health Economics

Michel Accad practices cardiology and general internal medicine in San Francisco, and holds a part-time clinical faculty appointment at the University of California San Francisco. This episode reproduces a discussion Bob had on Michel’s podcast, where they discussed the development of “welfare economics” in mainstream theory, in preparation for their subsequent discussion (which will be…

Ep. 40 Tucker Carlson Wants Affirmative Action for American Workers

Tucker Carlson gives unambiguous approval for Elizabeth Warren’s call for “economic nationalism,” saying her proposal sounds like “Trump at his best.” Carlson pillories American companies for outsourcing their operations to other countries, and blames Republican leadership for its dedication to doctrinaire libertarianism and Austrian economics. (Not a joke.) Bob disagrees with this take. Mentioned in…

Ep. 39 Stephan Kinsella Discusses Law Without the State, and the Illegitimacy of IP (Intellectual Property)

Bob talks with Stephan Kinsella about the basis of libertarian law, and how we could have justice without a coercive State. They then discuss Stephan’s pathbreaking work making the case that property must be in tangible things, rendering “intellectual property” an incoherent and dangerous concept. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Stephan’s…