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Ep. 104 Tough Questions for Libertarians

Following up on his two previous episodes firing off provocative questions for both progressives and conservatives, Bob now looks inside his own camp and raises issues for self-reflection. The tough questions for libertarians cover topics ranging from God to abortion to drag queens to tax incidence. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:…

Ep. 103 Harry Dent on the Coming Financial Crash

Harry Dent is the founder of Dent Research, which provides economic forecasting and financial recommendations. He is the author of numerous books, including Zero Hour (2017). Harry argues that demographic trends set the U.S. economy up for a major adjustment that the Federal Reserve merely postponed with its easy-money policies in 2008 and beyond. Harry now believes…

Ep. 102 Deeper Analysis of the Grievance Studies Hoax

In the fall of 2018 three people went public with a long-running hoax in which they’d published fake papers to various feminist, critical studies, etc. journals. Perhaps the most memorable example was an article purporting to catalogue the number of “rapes” that occurred at a dog park. Bob explores the precise reasons for why (or why…

Ep. 101 Tim Terrell on Misleading Cross-Country Health Care Statistics, and Why Big Business Supports Environmental Regulations

Economist Tim Terrell explains why the common rankings of “health outcomes” are so often biased against the United States, and why big businesses often support certain environmental regulations. Hint: it’s not for reasons progressives will like. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube video of this interview. Links to the Journal…

Ep. 100 Even Tyrannical Regimes Ultimately Rest on Public Opinion

Summarizing insights from Mises, Hume, and La Boetie, Bob argues that even the worst tyrants ultimately stay in power because other people obey them. If the people withdraw their support from a regime, it will fall. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Gene Sharp’s book, From Dictatorship to Democracy. #CommissionsEarned (As an…