Ep. 219 David Gornoski on His YouTube Ban and Today’s Scapegoats
Host of A Neighbor’s Choice radio program, David Gornoski talks about the recent removal of his YouTube channel. He summarizes the work of Rene Girard and shows how society still tries to use scapegoats to relieve tensions, even after Jesus showed us its futility. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube…
Ep. 218 Kerry Baldwin Uses Property Rights to Correct Both Sides in the Abortion Debate
Kerry Baldwin is a Christian libertarian who advances a nuanced position on abortion that seeks to protect the fetus while respecting the bodily rights of the mother. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Kerry Baldwin’s website, MereLiberty.com, with her work on abortion summarized here. Baldwin’s SoHo Forum…
Ep. 217 Murphy Critiques MMT TED Talk
Bob provides a running refutation of Stephanie Kelton’s recent TED talk on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Stephanie Kelton’s TED Talk. Bob’s review of Kelton’s book explaining MMT. Kelton’s intro to MMT, The Deficit Myth. #Commissions Earned (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) Bob’s…
Ep. 216 COMMON SENSE: The Case for an Independent Texas
Bob covers some of the key points in his new pamphlet on restoring the Republic of Texas. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Bob’s new pamphlet, COMMON SENSE: The Case for an Independent Texas. Bob’s recent appearance on Tim Pool’s show. Bob’s article on opting out of Social Security. Help support the Bob…
Ep. 215 Joe Salerno versus Paul Krugman on Austrian Business Cycle Theory
Using a recent Paul Krugman column as the jumping off point, the Mises Institute Academic Vice President Joe Salerno explains and defends Austrian business cycle theory. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Bob’s response to Krugman’s NYT piece. Joe Salerno’s 2012 QJAE article responding to ABCT critics.…