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Ep. 228 Behind Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset: Part 2

Bob continues his series on Klaus Schwab, explain the WEF’s plans for redesigning the world, and providing quotes from Schwab’s book on the fourth industrial revolution. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Part 1 of this series. The WEF’s bio for its founder, Klaus Schwab. Schwab’s books The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Covid-19 and the Great…

Ep. 226 Murphy vs Weisenthal on Currency Debasement

Bob critiques a Guardian article from an economist favoring price controls, and explains his argument with Joe Weisenthal about the social benefit of saving actual cash. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Dr. Keith Smith (of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma) contact page. The Guardian article advocating price controls. Murphy critique of Weisenthal. Murphy…

Ep. 225 Buck Johnson Interviews Bob Murphy on the Case for an Independent Texas

Buck Johnson hosts the podcast Counterflow, and recently featured Bob to discuss his new pamphlet COMMON SENSE on Texas secession. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Bob’s pamphlet COMMON SENSE: The Case for an Independent Texas. Help support the Bob Murphy Show. The audio production for this episode…