Ep. 300 David Gornoski on how the Israel/Hamas Propaganda War Shows Triumph of Christ

David Gornoski uses Rene Girard’s mimetic framework to show how the modern world has been transformed by the Christian account. He applies it in this discussion to the propaganda war in the Middle East.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- David Gornoski’s WND article on the topic.
- Gornoski’s show, A Neighbor’s Choice.
- A previous Gornoski appearance on ep. 15 discussing sacrifice.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
One must forgive Mister Gornoski’s errors because he still suffers under the delusion that the Jews are the Israelites.
There are no jews in the Bible. The Bible refers to the political and geographical designation called ‘Judea’.
Judea was a territory under Roman rule. The word Judean has been mistranslated into ‘Jews’.
That is part of the conspiracy of the enemies of Israel stealing the name (sound familiar?)
It’s a difficult subject, only for the advanced student.
Can you elaborate? E.g. are you saying a better translation is that Pilate put a banner on the cross that said
Talking about Israel killing civilians doesn’t help unless you make the discussion about how it is possible to defend against terrorist attacks without hurting innocents. Otherwise, you actually are choosing one side in the conflict over another. If you say that Israel should do anything less than what is needed to defend their civilians, then you are saying, whether you mean to or not, that one should prefer that Israeli civilians die rather than Palestinian ones, so instead you need to say why what Israel is doing is not protect itself or is not the only or best way to do so.
David Gornoski taught me how important it is to reject the dialectic between two bad options. If you are not offering a real solution for both sides, then you are not making peace. Blaming anyone for choosing the option which is less bad for himself those he cares for when you are not in that position is arrogance. While I am not really a believer and I would defer to those who know better, thinking about things this way makes it more clear why one should love and forgive enemies and why Romans 13 really does apply to any regime, no matter how apparently evil.