Ep. 253 Exploring the Kanye West Controversy More Deeply

Bob takes on Kanye West’s recent comments about “Jews in the media” by showing the inner contradictions. rather than simply declaring “antisemitism” and condemning. He ends with a critique of Christians who harbor an anti-Jewish worldview.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- Kanye on the Lex Fridman podcast.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.
About China, I think you missed the boat. The trend you describe was accurate 5 years ago. Now, China’s increasingly fucking up their economy, sabre rattling with all their neighbors, shutting themselves off culturally and diplomatically..
I recommend you watch a few of Peter Zeihan’s videos on China and its future. He might not be 100% correct, but the trends he’s describing are undeniably a huge problem and I think China actually peaked 5-10 years ago in most things, and will never surpass the US as an “empire” or superpower.
PS: Congrats on the new baby 🙂
You ignored Kanye’s main point, about how Jews tend to COLLUDE. Typical tribal in-group preference. But the real frustration is not that they do this (Kanye repeatedly promoted this for his own tribe, on that Lex show), it’s how they’re dishonest about it, and how they do so clandestinely. (Generally speaking, ofc. You awkwardly strawmanned Kanye’s (and Cantwell’s, etc) point by claiming that he thinks all jews are complicit.)
Are you familiar with the insanity and evil and clandestine collusion and infiltration that Israelis used to acquire a nuke? (https://rumble.com/v1a6xdr-numec-how-israel-stole-the-atomic-bomb.html) How the prominent Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan was secretly involved? Are you aware of how powerful the AIPAC lobby is? The Israeli false flag attack of USS Liberty and the subsequent coverup? The Rothschilds and everyone they fund?
It was sad how you threw ancap-Cantwell under the bus. He never really stopped being an ancap – he always promoted a NAP-respecting private property society, like Hoppe does. His argument about the legitimacy of violence was also the same as Larkin Rose’s – ie. correct.
Although you obviously have a good point about how some aspects of jewish culture do promote success (ie. their promotion of education, their more sane view on “usury” and sex (jews dominate(d) the porn industry too)), you awkwardly overlook all their serious flaws which probably explain why they were persecuted everywhere. Their culture is literally racist (they claim that they’re better than everyone, God’s chosen people), their official texts used to (still do?) say things like “Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.” and “Yebamoth 98a: All gentile children are animals.” and “Sanhedrin 57a: A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work.” and lots of other such nasty quotes.
Lastly, Jewish *leaders* really did kill Jesus. The Romans didn’t want to, but the “pharisees” insisted. Obviously not all jews are bad, it was cringe how you had to repeat this strawman argument. But apparently many (most?) of their leaders were/are. And they have way too much power today, usually in the shadows.
It seems like they played a key role in 9/11 too apparently! Are you aware of “the dancing Israelis” on that day? And how quickly an Israeli prime minister chimed in on that day? And who led the coverup-investigation? Too many tentacles.