Ep. 252 Bob’s Reaction to the Bernanke/Diamond-Dybvig Nobel Award

The 2022 recipients of the Nobel (Memorial) Prize in Economics were Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond, and Philip Dybvig, for their work on understanding the role of banks in financial crises. Bob explains what they did and then comments critically, giving the superior Austrian take.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- Bob’s discussion of the Nobel with Jeff Deist on the Human Action podcast.
- The YouTube compilation “Bernanke was wrong.”
- Selgin on Diamond-Dybvig (part 1 and part 2). McCulloch and Yu’s critique of Diamond-Dybvig.
- The Olin School of Business interview with Dybvig.
- Bob’s article “More Than Quibbles…” on fractional reserve banking.
- Block and Barnett on the broader issue of maturity mismatch.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.