Ep. 248 Jacob Hornberger Says Libertarians Should Oppose School Vouchers
Jacob Hornberger, founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF), makes the forceful case that libertarians shouldn’t support “school choice” in the form of government vouchers for private schools. Bob plays devil’s advocate and raises several points that libertarian proponents of vouchers make.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- The YouTube video of this interview.
- Hornberger’s article arguing school vouchers are anti-libertarian.
- Milton Friedman’s talk “Say ‘No’ to Intolerance.”
- Sheldon Richman’s book, Separating School and State.
- Bob Murphy Show ep. 105 with Corey DeAngelis (who is for school vouchers).
- Madeleine Albright says killings hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children through sanctions was worth it.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.
Jacob made some valid points but was extremely repetitious. He repeated his slavery reform analogy (which he’s apparently infatuated with) at least three times. Neither he nor Bob faced up to the fact that abolishing government support of education simply ain’t gonna happen – at least not in the US. The whole podcast could have been done in 2 minutes.