Ep. 2 A Conversation With Carlos Lara

In this episode, Bob talks to his old friend (and co-author) Carlos Lara.
They discuss Carlos’ move from Mexico to Texas as a young boy, Carlos’ surprising relationship to the JFK assassination, suing the Marines, and how Carlos learned Austrian economics–the hard way.
Mentioned in the Episode:
- The joint website Bob and Carlos run, Lara-Murphy.com.
- Their co-authored book, How Privatized Banking Really Works
- Their book with Nelson Nash, The Case for IBC
- Paul Cleveland’s Understanding the Modern Culture Wars
- Bastiat’s famous booklet, The Law
- Bob’s study guide to Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and State.
- Lara-Murphy Show Origins, Part 1 and Part 2
- St. Augustine’s City of God
- Lara-Murphy Report article, “Who Runs the World?”
The sound engineer for this episode was Chris Williams. Learn more about his work at ChrisWilliamsAudio.com.
Will Carlos be a frequent guest here?
I would guess not since they already have another podcast together: https://lara-murphy.com/podcast/
Weekend binging and digging on MurfDaug!
Keep Up the Good Word!
You guys really give me hope for the future. Any chance Carlos does a series on City of God? He really peaked my interest on those two eps of Lara-Murphy report.
Thanks! Do you mean a series at our podcast?
Wherever haha. I bought a copy of City of God but ended up with an abridged version and the language difference over time makes it a task to go through plus I’m more of an auditory learner. Carlos seems to really grasp the big picture and it doesn’t get any bigger than the spiritual dimension. Thanks for all your work.
Thanks Steve, I’ll pass this along to Carlos. He will appreciate your remarks.
Ah, the ol’ Radiation King…
Excellent episode with excellent stories and analyses from Carlos; thanks to both of you!
Bob I’ve really enjoyed your work and I’ll keep up with the podcast, but the “round table” conspiratorial stuff and the whole “politicians aren’t dumb or incompetent but are influenced by Satan” stuff was a bit… off-putting.