Ep. 334 An Interdisciplinary Commentary on the Gospel Accounts of Jesus Christ: Installment 4, the Word Became Flesh
Bob covers John 1: 14-18 in his Bible commentary series. He explains his approach to the rest of the commentary series. In this episode he expounds on the grace of Jesus. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The previous episode in this series, i.e. BMS ep. 330, Installment 3: Towards a Grand…
Ep. 138 Why the Left Hates Christianity
Bob first observes that the Left (institutionally) hates Christianity, and that standard explanations, such as its alleged bigotry, don’t explain why the Left gives Islam a pass. Christianity stands in the way of the Leftist agenda. Moreover, if the Devil exists, he would favor not just the “false religion” of environmentalism and Marxism, but also…