Ep. 56 Bob Murphy Explains Austrian Business Cycle Theory, the Inverted Yield Curve, and the Coming Recession
Bob goes solo to give a quick explanation of the Mises-Hayek theory of the boom-bust cycle, and how he used it to forecast the financial crisis in 2008 a year ahead of time. He then explains the significance of an “inverted yield curve,” and shows how the Austrians can understand its predictive power much better…
Ep. 38 Bob Nails Krugman’s Perverse Morality on Infrastructure Spending
Bob replays a recent Contra Krugman episode where he went solo, covering a Paul Krugman column on infrastructure spending. In addition to getting the economics wrong (as usual), Krugman also make a shocking admission about his willingness to harm the country so long as it denied Trump a political victory. Mentioned in the Episode and…
Ep. 12 Gene Epstein on Commies, Krugman, and Crushing Debaters
Gene Epstein, former Barron’s economics editor and founder of the Soho Forum, joins Bob for a lively discussion covering a variety of topics. Gene explains that his mother, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, had an FBI file and was responsible for Gene’s original position as a democratic socialist. It was only through his…