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Ep. 291 Douglas Robert Uses MMT to Challenge Bob’s Recession Call

Douglas Robert is a recovering Austrian who subscribes to the MMT framework as being the most useful for trading. He has a friendly debate with Bob over the inverted yield curve and whether a recession is at hand. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Douglas Robert’s…

Ep. 289 Gene Epstein Takes Bob to the Woodshed Over Dubious Wage Data

Gene Epstein is disappointed in Bob’s kid-glove treatment of Oren Cass’ critique of American capitalism, and explains some of the problems with the data that Oren relied upon to make his case. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Oren Cass’ controversial interview on BMS ep. 283.…

Ep. 280 The Theory and History Needed to Refute Keynesianism and MMT

As a sequel to a recent Human Action podcast episode where Bob critiques a Warren Mosler interview, Bob here goes deeper into the analysis of how an economy can continue growing even if the government eliminates its budget deficit. Bob relies on both theory and history, citing in particular the fiscal turnaround of Canada in…

Ep. 245 Cutting Larry Summers Some Slack on His Labor Market Remarks

Bob provides a qualified defense of Larry Summers’ recent claim that high unemployment will be necessary to contain price inflation. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The Summers interview featured in the audio clip. The Bloomberg article quoting Summers on how unemployment is necessary to fight inflation. Robert Lucas’ Nobel Prize lecture…

Ep. 243 To Understand (Price) Inflation Then and Now, Follow the Money

Bob seeks to explain why the Fed’s extraordinary monetary inflation following the 2008 financial crisis didn’t result in $5/gallon gasoline, while the Fed’s extraordinary monetary inflation following the 2020 coronavirus panic did. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Bob’s newspaper op ed laying out his explanation. Bob’s blog post summarizing what happened…