Ep. 289 Gene Epstein Takes Bob to the Woodshed Over Dubious Wage Data
Gene Epstein is disappointed in Bob’s kid-glove treatment of Oren Cass’ critique of American capitalism, and explains some of the problems with the data that Oren relied upon to make his case. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Oren Cass’ controversial interview on BMS ep. 283.…
Ep. 12 Gene Epstein on Commies, Krugman, and Crushing Debaters
Gene Epstein, former Barron’s economics editor and founder of the Soho Forum, joins Bob for a lively discussion covering a variety of topics. Gene explains that his mother, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, had an FBI file and was responsible for Gene’s original position as a democratic socialist. It was only through his…