Ep. 148 Donnie Gebert on The Art of War, 2020
Former Military Intelligence Sergeant Donnie Gebert returns to the show, this time to explain some of the major elements of his new book, *The Art of War 2020.* Gebert draws on his eclectic background to give techniques for navigating the modern world. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this…
Ep. 42 Former Military Intelligence Sergeant Donnie Gebert Explains That a Direct Republic Is Now Possible
Like the Matrix, you cannot be told about a 3-hour conversation with Donnie Gebert; you must hear it for yourself. But here’s the blurb from his book: “All members of a direct republic sign…the constitution/social contract. This contract states you will not engage in murder, rape, theft, and basic crimes against humanity. Once signed, the…