Ep. 101 Tim Terrell on Misleading Cross-Country Health Care Statistics, and Why Big Business Supports Environmental Regulations

Economist Tim Terrell explains why the common rankings of “health outcomes” are so often biased against the United States, and why big businesses often support certain environmental regulations. Hint: it’s not for reasons progressives will like.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- The YouTube video of this interview.
- Links to the Journal of Libertarian Studies and the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.
- Bob’s co-authored book on health care economics, The Primal Prescription. #CommissionsEarned (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
- The Bob Murphy Show ep. 69, interview with Richard Vedder on the state of higher education.
- Murray Rothbard’s classic article on pollution and property rights.
- Bob’s article showing why the EPA is not responsible for clean air in the US.
- Bob’s article on the “CLEAN Future Act” which summarizes many of his points about the economics of climate change.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.
Good episode. To think that business would go to the extent of basically doing regulatory battles. How do they even think something like this?
What was the Supreme Court case that exposed that the enviornmental group suing to prevent a cement plant from burning toxic waste was being funded by a toxic waste incinerator company? Thank you.
Did I say Supreme Court? I may have misspoken. That case is Pennsylvania Environmental Enforcement Project, Inc. v. Keystone Cement Company, C.A. No. 95-5869 (E. D. Pa.).
Some of this came out in internal memoranda associated with the case:
Memo, “Cement Kiln Strategy,” from Charles Lamb to Phil Retallick, Nov. 17, 1995.
See also:
A similar case: Huron Environmental Activist League v. Harding, No. 95-81890-CE (Mich. Cir. Ct. Ingham County, filed Dec. 1, 1995).
Bennett, James T. 1995. Selling its reputation: The American Lung Association.” Alternatives in Philanthropy 1-6.
Rubenstein, Bruce. 1996. Outraged citizens or public relations ploy? Shills front for corporation in Pennsylvania. Corporate Legal Times 6: 61.
Tripoli, Lori. 1996. Think globally, sue locally: Uncovering the citizen front. Inside Litigation 10: 1-5.
Yandle, Bruce. 1997. Common sense and common law for the environment: Creating wealth in hummingbird economies. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. (pp. 71, 72)
Just saw this headline:
Facebook asks for a moat of regulations it already meets – https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/17/regulate-facebook/
no more download option?
If you click on Share I think you can download the mp3 from the window that pops up?
CouLD you please restore the download links? Now I have to cumbersomely use the https://www.downloadhelper.net/ add on for Firefox (also on Chrome). This is silly inconvenience, also silly that you put all the effort into producing a podcast that people can’t listen to. I know that according to you, investment, not consumption drives the economy, but investments must eventually be consumed/listened to. Otherwise the investments become wasteful consumption.
Thanks for the note. Something is screwy since they updated the framework. The “Share” button is supposed to open a menu that includes a direct download option. I’ll tell them.